
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Mailbox Peak

Excellent, experienced group. Snow conditions as expected due to previous WTA reports. And today, unlike yesterday, no break ins at trailhead parking.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • We had plenty of info from previous, recent WTA reports. The only surprise was how much we needed rain gear due to dripping trees at lower elevations and snow bombs at higher. (There had been some unforecast precipitation earlier in the morning, so trees still dripping, esp. on ascent.) As expected, spikes and poles pretty essential in the snow. 20220429_150034.jpg

The main excitement, and the reason, frankly, that I'm bothering to write this report at all, is that this morning, not only did I check most recent weather forecast, I also checked WTA trip reports for anything new on Old and New Trail.

The reports from the day before reported car break-ins/ broken windows in both gated and ungated parking lots. Mailbox Peak — Washington Trails Association (wta.org) Sounded like the culprits had broken windows in all the cars, whether anything looked valuable or not. (Photo is from yesterday, day before our hike, not today, when we hiked.)

So I emailed participants, considered how unlikely they were to read email and so texted them, and called the one person w/o a cell phone number. Everyone still chose to come, but I was really glad I'd seen the reports, given them a heads-up, and let them make their own decision whether to come or cancel. (In the trip posting and my email after the sign-up closure, I'd offered to take other passengers, to save emissions, mainly. But everyone drove separately. Carpooling, besides less emissions, less cars would've been at risk, but no one took me up on my offer.)

Anyhow, no break ins today as noted in my trip report. Mailbox Peak — Washington Trails Association (wta.org) Still, glad I took the time this morning to look for any new info, and when there was something significant, to contact all participants and let them know about the concern.

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